Discover Gravity In Essex - Good beer
Out of date. Historical reference only.
Be sociable
The purpose of this guide is to promote the traditional method of
serving beer directly from the barrel. Lets keep some little part
of the good-old-days before all we have left is nostalgic
To help me gauge the effectiveness of this guide, if you make
any visits as a result, please tell the publicans where you read about
them. Many still have mechanical tills so don't expect to settle into
a chat about information super-highways!
Apart from the simple pleasure of drinking beer that hasn't been
squirted through pipes and foamed up, traditional methods seem to
go with a traditional atmosphere and slower, more personal way of
life. The curse of the age, market forces is haunting the
old ways and tiny country pubs. Some of us have to get out there
and keep the best traditions alive. The only qualification you
need to partake of fine ales well served it to be able to read a
Most of the pubs here are 'rabbit holes'. There is no qualification
required to join in the general conversation - have a go. Most
traditional publicans will make single people at home as a matter of
There is no charge for a pub to appear in this list.
Praise and patronage is all a landlord asks for...
...enjoy giving it!
Why serving method is important 
A sparkler or swan neck is a sure sign that however subtly flavoured in the barrel,
however much attention has been paid in the brewery to tickling your taste buds,
and however carefully stored, by the time your beer is in the glass it will have the taste taken out.
For the technically minded, it is all to do with surface chemistry which means that
the bitterness migrates from the liquid body into the foam making the foam bitter at the
expense of the beer.
- Froth (good) will stand above the rim of the glass.
- Foam (bad) needs the sides of the glass to keep it in.
Why put up with the cloying taste of a creamy foam
when you can be transported by a light astringent froth.
For the benefit of ignorant publicans, northerners and marketing types, Essex beers should never be served
foaming. Those who complain "this beer is flat" should remember that foaming takes gas out of the beer! This
is not to say that handpumped beer is necessarily rubbish - use your taste buds then decide for yourself. (By
the way, Tetleys tastes quite nice directly from the barrel but then it isn't allowed - perhaps the customers
might make an embarrassing choice!)
>Previous editorials>
How depressing to visit Bottle Hall at Delvin End to find reversion to just GK IPA
and cider at £4 a pint. Not fit even for taking somebody else's wife out to. How encouraging to find the
next on my itinerary for the evening was the White Horse at Ridgewell not only served beer at reasonable prices,
not only was that beer from respected micros, but it tasted excellent (helped no doubt by being served by gravity).
And the landlord was exceedingly helpful and the customers cheery. So there are good pubs still around if you look for them.
Country pubs don't need to die
The story of pubs being turned into houses is all too familiar. As the reopening of the
Square and compasses, Fuller st shows this doesn't have
to be the case. After just over a month and without advertising, the pub is already
full of regulars. A bit of a leap of faith for the new owners perhaps but
they know what they can do, know what they ought to be providing and (don't forget)
are working very long hours to make it happen. We need a few more people like this
and less property management companies (AKA the big brewers and chains) to
maintain a vigorous and healthy local social life.20 Months later and this tiny
place is buzzing.
Green beer
Green beer is beer that has come straight from the brewery. It needs at
least a week at no less that 54 degrees for the character to mature. Just
because GK IPA drops clear in 24 hours doesn't mean it is ready to serve.
This is probably the most common (I estimate 75% of pubs serve their
beer green) of indifferent character.
There is no excuse for green beer...
...if you get it complain!
Green slime
The Suffolk Swill that comes from Bury St. Edmunds. To be avoided at all costs.
Train your taste buds
Typically an indifferent pint of GK IPA will be tasted in the roof of the
mouth, perhaps with a metallic taste. Typically a good pint of Adnams or
Ridleys will have a first hit in the roof then clutch at the bottom and edge
of your tongue. Hops tend to have the latter effect - draw your own
conclusions. Some really excellent beers have an aftertaste that comes
through up to a minute after sipping. This aftertaste can be almost
anything except sour or metallic. This is not to say that the Suffolk-style
can't be balanced, fruity and tingle the cheeks but green beer of any style
will probably lack any after taste and the flavours 'flat' rather than complex.
Now go and try some!
Disabled review 
I (as an able bodied person) have
tried to spot the obvious access difficulties but this is not a
comprehensive guide. I am trying to get some people who know
about these things to do proper surveys. So for the time being
treat my remarks as the work of an amateur. As soon as new
information is available I'll update the guide.Any
Many of these pubs are old, some are listed,
many are cottages knocked together. Alterations in many cases
would be very difficult, expensive and totally unjustified on
economic grounds - remember that many of these pubs survive by a
wing and a prayer anyway. The good news is that traditional pubs
are run by traditional, happy-to-help-without-being-asked mature
people. I hope to have a summary of the surveys with analysis and
recommendations so that policy makers are fully aware of the
blackspots. This is important because if we can deal with most
things in the setting of old and not very profitable buildings
then it shows the way forward for all pubs and clubs.Watch this
Gravity pubs in Essex 
Any Essex pub that normally serves by gravity is eligible for this list.
I try to make the odd visit myself, but tastebuds around the county should
please report the ongoing quality situation.
This list is always being revised so please tell me what I have omitted or
messed up. Let me know how you find the
quality of the beer. (A bad report won't mean removing the pub from
the list, but it may encourage the landlord or brewery to take simple steps
to improve the situation.)
Not every pub with barrels behind the bar qualifies. One, in Tendring
district, has the strangest of "air pumps". This is no less than a
deception. More generally a barrel is used as a gimmick by utterly
untrained staff in themed pubs (or tarted down as I call it). The
chances of getting decent beer from first to last pint are negligible.
List of pubs by name 
- Anchor, Dedham Heath : Closed - now housing
- >Bell, Castle Hedingham>
- >Black Lion, High Roding>
- >Blue Boar hotel, Maldon>
- >Bottle Hall, Hedingham(ish)>
- >Bricklayers Arms, Stondon Massey>
- Cross Inn, Bromley Cross - No longer gravity
- >Compasses, Littley Green> Rescued from GK
- >Cricketers arms, Rickling green>
- >Dolphin, Stisted>
- >Forest Gate Inn, Epping>
- >Hoop, Stock>
- >Maltsters Arms, Heybridge>
- >Rose, Southminster>
- >Round Bush, Purleigh>
- >Square and Compasses, Fuller Street>
- >Star, Ingatestone>
- >Sun and Anchor, Steeple>
- >Swan, Little Totham>
- >Walnut Tree, Broads green>
- >White Hart, Weeley Heath>
- >White Horse, Ridgewell> New entry
- Wine Barrel, Boreham (Off licence. Main road. GK, Adnams mostly)
List of pubs by village 
- Boreham, Wine Barrel (Off licence. Main road. GK, Adnams mostly)
- >Braintree, Dolphin>
- >Broads green, Walnut Tree>
- Cross Inn, Bromley Cross - No longer gravity
premises with top rate results
- >Castle Hedingham, Bell>
- Anchor, Dedham Heath : Closed - now housing
- >Delvin End, Bottle Hall>
- >Epping, Forest Gate Inn>
- >Fuller Street, Square and Compasses>
- >Great Waltham, Walnut Tree>
- >Hedingham, Bell>
- >Hedingham(ish), Bottle Hall>
- >High Roding, Black Lion>
- >Heybridge, Maltsters Arms>
- >Ingatestone, Star>
- >Little Totham, Swan>
- >Littley Green, Compasses> Rescued from GK
- >Maldon, Maltsters Arms>
- >Blue Boar hotel, Maldon>
- >Purleigh, Round Bush>
- >Rickling green, Cricketers arms>
- >Ridgewell, White Horse> New entry
- >Southminster, Rose>
- >Steeple, Sun and Anchor>
- >Stisted, Dolphin>
- >Stock, Hoop>
- >Stondon Massey, Bricklayers Arms>
- >Terling, Square and Compasses>
- >White Hart, Weeley Heath>
Pubs by activities and accommodation 
Countryside & parks
- >Cricketers, Rickling green>
- >Dolphin, Stitsed>
Walking and rambling
- >Compasses, Littley Green>
- >Square and Compasses, Fuller street>
- >Sun and Anchor, Steeple>
- >Swan, Little Totham>
- >Swan, Little Totham>
- >Dolphin, Stisted>
- >Sun and Anchor, Steeple>
Railway museum
- >Bell, Castle Hedingham>
- >Bottle Hall, Delvin end>
- >Ridgewell, White Horse>
- >Bell, Castle Hedingham>
- >Bottle Hall, Delvin end>
- >Cricketers Arms, Rickling Green>
- >Ridgewell, White Horse>
Old house
- >Cricketers Arms, Rickling green>
- >Dolphin, Stisted>
Aircraft museum
- >Cricketers Arms, Rickling green>
- >Blue Boar hotel, Maldon>
- >Cricketers Arms, Rickling Green>
- >Ridgewell, White Horse>
Caravanning and Camping
- >Sun and anchor, Steeple>
- >Swan, Little Totham>
Editor: Peter Fox
Address: 2 Tees Close,Witham,Essex CM8 1LG
Telephone: 01 376 517 206
Copyright: Peter Fox
Updated: July 2009
This is NOT a CAMRA publication.