Go to ax home page Methods are initially capitalised. Properties are initially lower case. 'private' items are initially underscored.



9AboutReturns description, version etc.
193AvailableCyclesWithCyclesList the available cycles in an array of strings
If WithCycles is false then just list the names
If WithCycles is true then return string in the form <name>|<cycles>
152EditeventDo the dirty deed while editing a textarea or edit box
jQuery style of calling is .keyup(ax.Edit);
Inline style of calling is onkeypress="ax.Edit(event);"
120GetCycleReturn the current cycle of accents
129GetCycleNameReturn the current cycle name or false
This can be used at initialisation as follows
179GetHelpLanguageslist the possible languages for help
41GetUserHelpHelpLang,ForceReturns a string explaining simply what to do
See .helpTexts for available languages
Note HelpLang has no connection with the language selected
for accenting in SetLanguage()
Force overrides any local setting
110LoadCfgGet last state of settings from local storage
Returns false if nothing was set.
if(! ax.LoadCfg()){ax.SetCycle('German');}
139NextInCycleCurrentCharThis is a low-level function for complex editors who only want the next character
SetCycle() or a true LoadCfg() must be called once before use
Check if ready with GetCycleName()
Note: If there is no substitution then this returns false
67SetCycleCycleLang,ForceThis sets the accenting cycle to be used
See .cycles for available values of CycleLang
or get a live list by calling AvailableCycles()
Returns either string of accents or false
If false is returned then EuropeanCombo will be used
Force overrides any local setting
85SetTriggerKeyKeyThe default is 'F8' and should only be changed
if absolutely necessary. Normally leave alone!
173ToOptionsStringArrayconvenience select box options from array
29_InitialiseMake sure we've got some cycles loaded
99_SaveCfgput state of settings to local storage
91_UseCycleLangGet ready to use cycle specified by Lang
58_currentCycle"",will be filled with a cycle
59_currentCycleName"",will be filled with a cycle name
26_initialisedfalse,Will be set to true when we have a working cycle
This reference document is completely self-contained so download and put with your other data sheets.
Created 14 Jun 15 at 09:49:39 Source from http://vulpeculox.net Written by Peter Fox @