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My standard css stylesheet for technical documents

latest version:
I write lots of technical documents and have evolved a css style sheet that gives me a standard look and feel and lots of convenient classes such as box-outs, various sorts of table, code display and so on.

See everything showcased on the cheatsheet
Box-outs work well on the screen
There are quick shortcuts for allocating horizontal space
There's a cool image and caption class
Also box frames
Flowcharts extension for turning lists into loops and tests nicely indented and graphically spiced. A very compact and powerful method.
Pages can be printed without breaking the layout or content.
(Except most browsers are abysmal at printing anyway so don't expect perfection.)
  • Automatic heading numbering
  • Newspaper columns
  • Arrows and standardised highlights
There is a cool way of displaying an email address that can't be scraped
Try it below
All sorts of clever lists including tick-boxes and then, then instructions There are a useful set of informal and formal table styles Standard buttons extension for apps
  • The idea is that you use this as the basis for your own standard style.
  • If you don't know how css works or don't write in HTML then this isn't for you.
  • If you come up with a brilliant improvement then let me know

A cool and useful CSS trick

This is a div with a class of img containing an ordinary <img> which is scaled to the appropriate width.
This is a div with a class of img containing an ordinary <img> which is scaled to the appropriate width.
How do you get images and captions to resize together? It is very simple. The HTML for all thes images here is exactly the same.



div.img { display:table; /* key setting */ color:white; background-color:black; font-weight:bold; text-align:center; overflow:hidden; padding: 0px 5px 3px 5px; border-radius:5px; /* cosmetic */ } div.img>img { width:100%; /* fills div */ }


<div class="img round2"> <img src="clubFoo.jpg"> This is a div=img containing an ordinary <img> which is scaled to the appropriate width. </div>


This is a div with a class of img containing an ordinary <img> which is scaled to the appropriate width.