Setup |
- include('dump.php') Put dump.php in your include path
Print values immediately |
- print(dump::Value($myValue))
- print(dump::Value($myArray,5)) Only first 5 elements of array displayed.
(See also SetArrayLengthLimit())
Trace |
- dump::Trace($myValue)
- dump::Trace($myValue,'some comment')
- dump::Trace($myValue,'some comment',$aBoolean) Conditional on 3rd argument
- dump::Trace('STACK') Shows the stack and args used. See also SetStackArgumentDetail()
- dump::Clear() Empties trace buffer but does not call Reset() (Output() normally clears automatically).
Dump |
- dump::Output() Prints trace buffer on screen (and clears the buffer)
- dump::Output('someQuickFile.htm') Prints trace buffer to file (and clears the buffer)
- dump::Output('someQuickFile.htm',false) Prints trace buffer to file (without clearing the buffer)
Tweaks |
- dump::Reset() Reset defaults. (Does not clear trace buffer - see Clear() )
- dump::IgnoreClasses('tooBigClass,dontCareClass,etcClass') Names of classes that are supressed. Split by commas.
- dump::IgnoreKeys('thisProperty,thatProperty,foo') Names of properties and array keys that are supressed. Split by commas.
- dump::SetMaximumDepth($howDeep) How far should arrays and object properties be investigated (1 to 30 default 20)
- dump::SetMaximumStringLength($charsWide) How much of strings to show before truncating them
- dump::SetStackArgumentDetail(2) Amount of detail to show in stack trace (1 is least, 2 is default)
- dump::SetArrayLengthLimit(14) Max number of array elements to show in general. Might use before tracing stack to limit expansion of function arguments.
- dump::Help()
About |
© 2009 Peter Fox
This version dated 11th Feb 2015