Exercising the trace functionality of the dump object
person (???) | age | name |
0 | 5 | Tom |
1 | 9 | Dick |
2 | 10 | Harry |
End of program reachedTrace Fri 28 Feb at 16:07:00
Hello world 1
With a label
Hello world 2
Always traced
Hello world 4
Original array
Finding name
exercise_dump_trace.php:36 GetName
Finding name
exercise_dump_trace.php:36 GetName
Conditional on age=9
exercise_dump_trace.php:31 GetAge
Finding name
exercise_dump_trace.php:36 GetName
exercise_dump_trace.php:71 Foo
Four stacks with detail 1,2,3,8
Comparing ages
exercise_dump_trace.php:25 SimilarAge STACK
| File | Line | Function | Arguments |
0 | exercise_dump_trace.php | 73 | person->SimilarAge |
1 | exercise_dump_trace.php | 84 | Foo |
Comparing ages
exercise_dump_trace.php:25 SimilarAge STACK
| File | Line | Function | Arguments |
0 | exercise_dump_trace.php | 76 | person->SimilarAge |
0 | person () |
name | Harry |
age | 10 |
brother | person … |
1 | exercise_dump_trace.php | 84 | Foo |
0 | person (???) | age | name |
0 | 5 | Tom |
1 | 9 | person () |
name | Harry |
age | 10 |
brother | person … |
| Dick |
2 | 10 | person () |
name | Dick |
age | 9 |
brother | person … |
| Harry |
Comparing ages
exercise_dump_trace.php:25 SimilarAge STACK
| File | Line | Function | Arguments |
0 | exercise_dump_trace.php | 79 | person->SimilarAge |
0 | person () |
name | Harry |
age | 10 |
brother | person … |
1 | exercise_dump_trace.php | 84 | Foo |
0 | person (???) | age | name |
0 | 5 | Tom |
1 | 9 | person () |
name | Harry |
age | 10 |
brother | person … |
| Dick |
2 | 10 | person () |
name | Dick |
age | 9 |
brother | person … |
| Harry |
Comparing ages
exercise_dump_trace.php:25 SimilarAge STACK
| File | Line | Function | Arguments |
0 | exercise_dump_trace.php | 82 | person->SimilarAge |
0 | person () |
name | Harry |
age | 10 |
brother | person () |
name | Dick |
age | 9 |
brother | person () |
name | Harry |
age | 10 |
brother | person () |
name | Dick |
age | 9 |
brother | person … |
1 | exercise_dump_trace.php | 84 | Foo |
0 | person (???) | age | name |
0 | 5 | Tom |
1 | 9 | person () |
name | Harry |
age | 10 |
brother | person () |
name | Dick |
age | 9 |
brother | person () |
name | Harry |
age | 10 |
brother | person () |
name | Dick |
age | 9 |
brother | person … |
| Dick |
2 | 10 | person () |
name | Dick |
age | 9 |
brother | person () |
name | Harry |
age | 10 |
brother | person () |
name | Dick |
age | 9 |
brother | person () |
name | Harry |
age | 10 |
brother | person … |
| Harry |
Trace dumped to traceDump.htm