Static class used to display and trace variables Cheat sheet is returned by dump::Help()
$arrayLengthLimit |
0 | cut off arrays after this number of elements being shown (0=infinite)
$classBlock |
'' | names of any classes to be prevented from expanding. Split with commas
$cssPrinted |
false | have we printed the css yet
$keyBlock |
'' | names of any properties/array keys to be prevented from expanding. Split with commas
$maxDumpStrLen |
35 | strings are truncated to this length
$maxNestingLevel |
20 | maximum amount of recursive nesting (1-30)
$nestingLevel |
0 | current depth of nesting
$outputBuffer |
array() | buffer
$stackArgumentDetail |
2 | how far to go into nesting for stack arguments (1-20)
AddToBuffer 94 dump |
$Label $Location $Text | Add an item to the trace buffer
ArrayAsHtml 374 dump |
$Value $Mode=0 | A linear (vertical) representation of an array Mode : -2 = Prevent two dimensional table mode -1 = Properties 0 = Normal array n = Max number of elements to show » If the array looks like a two dimensional array then it will normally be passed to ArrayAsTable() for tabular formatting. » If the array appears to consist of objects then these normally be passed to ObjArrayAsTable() for special formatting
ArrayAsTable 426 dump |
$Value $ObjectStyle=false | This is a more compact method of displaying arrays of arrays and arrays of objects. With arrays of arrays the column headings are taken from the keys of the first row. With objects the columns are used to show properties. If there are a micture of classes in the array then at each change the new properties will be listed as headings
CSS 271 dump |
() | Returns css used for dumping data values
Clear 57 dump |
$Label='' $Condition=true | Clears the trace buffer » Normally call without any arguments » Doesn't call Reset() q.v. » See Trace() for Label and Condition arguments Returns informative message
CurrentLocation 104 dump |
() | Look at the top of the call stack to see where we are in the code » Returns string
GetStackAsArray 515 dump |
() | look at the calling stack and return an array of calling locations and function arguments
Help 536 dump |
() | Print brief help.
IgnoreClasses 172 dump |
$ClassNames | Prevents named classes being expanded » ClassNames is a string with names of classes separated by commas ('foo,bar,baz' etc)
IgnoreKeys 180 dump |
$Keys | Prevents named properties or array keys being expanded » Keys is a string with names of properties/keys separated by commas ('foo,bar,baz' etc)
IsArrayOfObjects 249 dump |
$Value | Return true if the value looks like an array of objects The objects do not have to be the same class The array may contain nulls
IsTwoDimArray 229 dump |
$Value | Return true if the value looks like a two dimensional array The array may contain nulls
ObjArrayAsTable 500 dump |
$Value | Value should be an array of objects To get here we'll already know its a genuine array
ObjectAsHtml 360 dump |
$Value | return html description of the object
Output 118 dump |
$FileName $ClearFlag=true | Send the trace buffer to screen or file » Returns a null string if going to screen or a nice message telling the name of the file the output has been written to.
Reset 42 dump |
() | Clears class and key blocks Resets all defaults Does not clear trace buffer with Clear()
ScalarAsHtml 327 dump |
$Value | string, number, boolean, special string 'STACK'
SetArrayLengthLimit 221 dump |
$Length | Controls the maximum number of elements to be dumped from an array Set to 0 for no limit. Default is 0.
SetMaximumDepth 188 dump |
$MaxDepth | This controls the maximum amount of detail within detail that will be shown. Possible values 1 to 30. The default is 20;
SetMaximumStringLength 201 dump |
$MaxLength | Long strings are truncated to about this length. Minimum value 5, Default 35
SetStackArgumentDetail 209 dump |
$DetailDepth | Controls the amount of detail shown for function arguments when looking at the stack. 1 to 20, default 2.
Trace 75 dump |
$Value $Label='' $Condition=true | Main call for producing a screen-displayable version of any variable and putting it into the trace buffer. (For immediate display see Value()) » Label is an optional comment » Condition is a value (or expression) which controls conditional execution. If it evaluates to 'true' along normal PHP lines then the trace is performed.
Value 158 dump |
$Value $ArrayLimit=0 | » Returns a tidy representation of the value in HTML » ArrayLimit truncates long arrays if greater than 0
ValueAsHtml 299 dump |
$Value $ArrayLimit=0 | Return whatever value is as formatted html » ArrayLimit will truncate arrays if more than 0