We all do business on the web, but is your web site a place to do business, give your customers the information they need or just a facade? Ask for the free 10 minute web site audit.
Today every business relies on its computers just to stay in business and unreliable and unbacked-up systems are not an option. The cost of crashes, infections and security breaches far outweighs the cost of prevention. Do you spend more time struggling with your computers than using them? Perhaps you need a little bit of technical support to unblock the muddle. To save having to keep putting up with it call me now.
Once you can rely on your information technology it gives you opportunity to do really useful things - Your product catalogue should be on-line and up to date and then it can be connected to the stock system and then ordering and so on.... ...deep waters! Where are those certificate files and when do they expire? How can we manage those project papers? Surely it can't be that difficult to keep emails with the job? I've been helping businesses do a lot more with a lot less fuss for over 25 years. Get on the phone today.
Whether you're looking for a bit of odd programming to maintain an old system or for somebody to help you take a gentle, experienced and practical look at an important issue I can help you. Your IT is as important as your electricity if it fails you're stuffed and if you don't make use of it your competitors will.
If you've read this far then make a coffee, pick up the phone and let's chat.
01376 517206
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