Picklist for convenient user interaction code
Description and API
PICKLIST is a small Javascript class that encapsulates a mapping between strings and constants.
Typically used for drop-down lists, checkboxes and radio button controls. Simple and flexible
to use: One or two array constructor, generate HTML method, look-up string from index or index
from string methods.
var DIR_N = 0;
var DIR_E = 90;
var DIR_S = 180;
var DIR_W = 270;
var directionsList = new PICKLIST(['North','East','South','West'],[DIR_N,DIR_E,DIR_S,DIR_W]);
var htmlToShow = directionsList.ChecksHtml([['West',90'],'directions','<br>');
Show API Hide API
var p = new PICKLIST(Array of strings); // simply indexed
var p = new PICKLIST(Array of strings,Array of integers); // map strings to 'constants'
Create HTML
var options = p.OptionsHtml(Selected item(s));
Selected items may be missing, a string or index or an array of strings/indexes.
Note this only returns the <option> tags not the surrounding <select>
var html = p.RadioHtml(Selected item(s),Name,Markup);
var html = p.ChecksHtml(Selected item(s),Name,Markup);
Selected items as above. Name is name of control. Markup is optional HTML to put between items.
var str = p.GetItemString(Index);
var int = p.GetItemIndex(String);
If the string/index is not found etc. then an error is raised so this should go in a try/catch.
Demonstrate and exercise
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Get started
- Notes
- testpicklist.js is included in the download package as an example of usage.
It won't work straight out of the box as it needs jQuery and styling.
Run tests
Red results indicate failed tests.
Error messages are often the correct response.