Hardly a week goes by without a report of serious data losses - many of which could have been easily prevented by simple policies and attention to detail. Casual attitudes and muddled procedures are bound to lead to data leaks. Now there is no excuse as sanitizing and controlled distribution is now provided by DataBender in way that is driven by good management practice. Importantly, once set up the export and distribution process follows a straightforward non-technical procedure so that it makes it easy to do the job the right way.

DataBender is a gatekeeper used by the database administrator to service legitimate requests for exports. The reasons for denying certain exports are easy to deduce through the documentation, and the methods used to manage risks are easy to select and implement.

When data is one of the key valuables of any business it is reasonable for an auditor to ask how it is protected. The "Err.. we have some notes and really mean to look after it" approach looks rather feeble - not to mention negligent when arguments about who has to pick up the bill for damages arise.
- DataBender solves these problems by being a multi-level tool for both managers and technicians.