My standard web cursors for indicating link types

Use these glyphs to tell your visitors what sort of link they're hovering over

Opens in new window
Link goes off-site
Link opens in new window and goes off-site

Download zipped cursors now

Using in normal web pages is simple

<style type="text/css"> .download { cursor: url("downloadHC.cur") 5 21, auto;} .newWin { cursor: url("newWindowHC.cur") 5 1, auto;} .newWinOffSite { cursor: url("offSiteNewWindowHC.cur") 21 5, auto;} .offSite { cursor: url("offSiteHC.cur") 21 5, auto;} </style>
Obviously you can adapt the code to suit your needs.

DHTML and Greasemonkey

In the zip download is a HTML page with ready-to go code that set up the cursors equivalently to the style sheet above but using data URLs.

Also it illustrates how existing HTML can be hacked (just the sort of thing you'd do with Greasemonkey) to add the richer cursors to suitable links. Or look at this example

Home page link ©